
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wayne Madsen Report: Incoming Florida congressman a bona fide war criminal

publication date: Dec 20, 2010

December 21, 2010 -- Do ask and do tell: Incoming Florida congressman a bona fide war criminal

While war criminals being elected to national legislatures is commonplace in U.S.-supported dictatorships around the world, it is fairly unique to have one entering the US House of Representatives.

Meet incoming Florida Republican Allen West. On August 21, 2003, West interrogated Iraqi police officer Yehiya Kadoori Hamoodi, who U.S. Army intelligence believed was linked to an insurgent cell.

The Army had the wrong person and Hamoodi was released from 45 days of detention detention and not charged with any crime. Hamoodi later said he provided names of supposed insurgents to West for fear of his life. West threatened to kill Hamoodi several times.

West, in the course of interrogating Hamoodi, fired his 9mm side arm next to Hamoodi's head after having dunked the Iraqi's head into a barrel of sand.

Hamoodi had previously been beaten and kicked by West's men of the 2nd Battalion of the 20th Field Regiment.

A hearing officer dismissed criminal charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice against West. However, West resigned from the Army, was fined a meager $5000, and was permitted to keep his military pension and retirement benefits.

West then caught the eye of the Florida GOP, which successfully ran him for the House this past year.

WMR has been told by a senior military source who served in Iraq that West was given special treatment by his commanding officer, General Ray Odierno, who eventually became the top U.S. military commander in Iraq.

WMR has also been informed that West was exonerated from criminal charges by a joint agreement between Odierno, the then-Commander of the 4th Infantry Division; General David Petraeus, the commander of the 101st Airborne Division in 2003 and now top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan; and General Martin Dempsey, the commander of the 1st Armored Division (Mechanized).

All three generals supported the activities of CIA interrogation centers in their sectors of responsibility in Iraq and all three were complicit in war crimes carried out by U.S. troops and Israeli "contractors" against Iraqi detainees.

By protecting West, the three generals ensured that a wider investigation of detainee abuse in Iraq and in their own sectors would be halted.

Our source confirmed that the Republican Party is involved in high-level political activity with top U.S. military commanders, including Petraeus, a rumored 2012 GOP presidential candidate.

Representative-elect Allen West. Once again, fascism in the United States comes emblazoned with an American flag.

West won his Florida 22nd Congressional District seat with Tea Party support, including a boost from former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

The GOP has appointed West to the House Armed Services Committee. West has publicly defended U.S. military personnel convicted of war crimes and he has signalled his willingness to "censor" the media over the Wikileaks affair.

On a radio show, West called for censoring the media but later said he was misunderstood and that he really said the media should be "censured." It is clear that West either does not know how to speak English or does not understand the difference between "censor" and "censure" . . .

(I)n any event, West said he used the word "censured" when, in fact, he used the word "censoring."

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