
Friday, December 17, 2010

Renault Twingo Miss 60 ad banned in Italy

A "lesbian" bedroom scene has been yanked from Italian airwaves, the Daily Mail is reporting.

Aimed at promoting the new Renault Twingo, the controversial commercial features two women, one blonde and one brunette, exchanging flirtatious glances at a cocktail party before trailing off to a bedroom.

The Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera wrote that state TV RAI and Mediaset, headed by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, have thus far refused to air the ad, with Sky being the only broadcaster keeping it in rotation.

In view of the sexual antics of PM Silvio Berlusconi, Rightardia is surprised the Italian media is so prudish.

What is your opinion of the Renault ad? Did you understand what the woman with the Renault Twingo really wanted?


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