
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Politics Daily: Americans Want Action on the Deficit, but Oppose Most Proposals to Cut It

Bruce Drake Contributing Editor

Several hard truths keep emerging 9on the deficit): an overwhelming majority of Americans believe it is a major problem. Almost none of the most widely mentioned proposals to cut the red ink by reducing spending or raising taxes get majority support from the public.

Those realities stand out starkly in a new Pew Research Center poll, conducted Dec. 1-5.  Seventy percent of Americans say the deficit is a major problem that must be solved now. The public disapproves by a big margin of the deficit commission's plan to get the red ink under control.

Forty-eight percent opposed the commission's proposal -- which would do things like cut spending for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and eliminate the popular home mortgage interest deduction -- while 30 percent supported it, with 21 percent undecided.

Rightardia has talked abut many of these  ideas. Raising the Social Security cap is a temporary fix because the cap has become a political football. The Social Security FICA tax is regressive because of the cap.

Reducing Social Security for high income earners is a bad idea because the Republicans will use this an exuse to get the affluent to opt put of the program. 

Because the top 20 per cent of Americans now earn half of he national income, more of the Social Security payroll tax needs to be deferred to affluent Americans.

Get rid of the cap altogether and cut the payroll tax. Obama wants to cut the payroll tax, but that makes no sense without taxing 100 per cent of a person's income for Social Security. 

Defense spending is the biggest part of the federal budget and really needs to be cut back. Sales taxes are regressive and are not in the best interests of the middle calls or the poor. 

When will american's stop being suckers about GOP ides of the 'fair tax' or 'flat tax.' These taxes are the fairest to millioanaires and billionaires.

Raising the social security retirement age has already been done and one of the effects is for more people file for Social Security disability. Only 21 per cent of Americans enter their senior years with a pension and US age discrimination laws are weak.

What are the chances of a senior have a well-paying job before they retire. Slim and next to none.

The modern American economy experiences corporate downsizing and recession every seven to 10 years.

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