
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Olbermann Mocks O'Reilly's 'War Against Hanukkah"

On a recent Countdown during the show's regular "Oddball" segment, , MSNBC's Keith Olbermann mocked FNC host Bill O'Reilly by suggesting that Bill O'Reilly supports a "war against Hanukkah."

This is the Obama compromise Hanukkah tree. This tree is offensive to many Jewish Americans.

Olbermmann said:

Look not on this as a defeat in the war on Christmas. This was a dramatic victory in Billow's (O'Reilly's ) new war against Hanukkah. 

 . . .a mighty blow has been struck against the good guys in the war on Christmas. Nine 15-foot Christmas trees being dismantled at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, SeaTac, after a local rabbi came in and asked for a big Menorah to be put on display as well.

Airport officials, rather than surrendering and recognizing the Jewish holiday, opted to take down the Christmas trees.

Actually it is Gretchen Carslon that has been running her "War against Christmas" series in which she tries to find the government or corporations taking down Nativity scenses or other Christian decorations.

Carlson recently alleged that a Florida elementary school banned 'green and red" in the classrooms during the holiday season. The story was a fabrication.

Rightardia notes that the Christmas tree is not really a Christian symbol, but a pagan symbol used by both pagan Celtic and Germanic tribes. 

Also,  Hanukkah is not a major Jewish holiday. it does not have the same status to Jews as Christmas has to Christians. 

But, neither the government or an airport should put up holidays symbols that are supportive of any particular  religion. 

In Florida schools, it is OK to put up a religious display during a holiday as long as other religions are also represented. There are also generic decorations that can be used during the holiday season. 

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