
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hillbilly Report: Barack Needs His Balls Back

by: wrmineo

Dec 08, 2010 at 08:48:53 AM EST ( - promoted by Hillbilly)

Dear Mrs. First Lady:

Can Barack please have his balls back? He is in desperate need of a pair right now to stand up to the issues that threaten our domestic tranquility today and for generations yet born of this battle.

Tough decisions need to be made; tough, but correct answers, not easy and wrong ones. I do not envy your husband; the situation he finds himself in requires focus, patience and fortitude.

I do not presume to have the entire answer ma'am, but I am convinced that if he had his balls back he could play with a little more stamina to reach the end-game.

I realize that compromise is the backbone of our democracy and that there is rarely just a single path of correctness towards goals, but then again, sometimes the rules of mathematics, theorems, formulas and solutions do have more narrow focus and few, or maybe even just a single answer or outcome.

While there may be several approaches to arriving at the sum of two balls, in the end, the answer is still two balls.

During your husband’s historical inaugural address to the nation and a worldwide audience, he boldly proclaimed that the hope and change we all sought would be a hard fought game; but surely, one we could win if we kept focus on our priorities and had the patience and fortitude to sacrifice awaiting the victorious result.

He further went on to acknowledge and announce that these would not be quick, easy fixes or solutions and we all attentively, solemnly and tacitly accepted that the road ahead was going to be a rough one, but given our collective history and resolve to undertake great challenges there was reason to hope and know we would tackle this opponent in good time too.

The world listened as he humbly proclaimed that the economical obstacles we faced would go beyond four and likely even eight years in overcoming and correcting.

So it’s been nearly two years and the ADHD American electorate has allowed the media and fanatics to allow their focus and memories to be distracted – yet again!

With all due respect ma’am, Barack needs his balls back so he can focus on the game, have the patience to outplay the armchair quarterbacks, and the fortitude to hold fast to the ideals, hope and strategies so many signed on for but have so readily forgotten.

Where is the change if we are continuing the same failed economic policies of the 2001 and forward Bush era policies? Where is the hope if we continually fail to pay as we go? Please Mrs. First Lady – where are Barack’s balls?


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