
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Daily Beast: Palin Paranoia Decoded

by Tunku Varadarajan

Tunku Varadarajan is a national affairs correspondent and writer at large for The Daily Beast. He is also the Virginia Hobbs Carpenter Fellow in Journalism at Stanford's Hoover Institution and a professor at NYU's Stern Business School. He is a former assistant managing editor at The Wall Street Journal.

Barbara Bush hopes she stays in Alaska, Frank Rich is preaching on her perils . . . Tunku Varadarajan on why she terrifies us . . .

Barbara Bush was Barbara Bush.. . .offered this put-down of Palin on Larry King’s TV show: “I sat next to her once. She was beautiful. And I think she’s very happy in Alaska… and I hope she’ll stay there.”

Frank Rich was Frank Rich: preaching to the nation (with the relentless omniscience that is his hallmark) on the Perils of Palin. The two pillars of Establishment—the Republican and the liberal Democrat—put on display an amazing phenomenon of American political life: Palin Paranoia.

There is no politician in America as adept at disconcerting the elites as Sarah Palin.

As progressive Democrats, Rightardia is hardly terrified by Palin. We hopes she get the GOP nomination and runs. We would love to crush her in a presidential race. It would be shadenfreude of the first order. We consider her to be another anti-intellectual like Bush.

Why Sarah Palin so disturbs people.

Sarah Palin’s political success has come in such a way as to seem like a rebuke to those who have worked hard to get where they are.

Typically, politicians strut like peacocks on the national stage value experience for years going knowledge, doing dues-paying.

Palin seems to be quickly profiting from qualities—spontaneity, you-betcha folksiness, an anti-sophistication about issues, and, let’s face it, striking good looks—that the elite don’t have, and don’t easily endorse.

In many respects her aura has extended to her daughter, Bristol. Bristol dropped out of high school and got preggers. When Dancing with the Stars did vignettes on the contestants, all of them except Bristol had distinguished careers. Bristol was there because of her charismatic, but fatally flawed mother.

To the matter of her appearance: There is no question that her seasoned beauty and vivacity are ingredients in the Palin cocktail.

Yes, Palin is attractive and so is Michelle Bachmann. Both are also dumber than posts. Palin has that rare quality of charisma that is lacking in many politicians. However, she has so many other flaws, her charisma won't carry her to the presidency. She has the potential to be another misguided demagogue like GWB.

This must, surely, bother the likes of Frank Rich and Barbara Bush. To the former, it likely evokes Eva Peron, another beautiful populist, and the evocation can only be distasteful, what with the faintly Third World whiff of it all.

Politics Daily explained it differently Barbara Bush and Frank Rich represent the establishment country club Republicans.

Palin represents a GOP outsider who the McCain camp was unable to control. Party insiders are hardly thrilled of the prospects of someone they will be unable to control as president. Palin is not the standard GOP "team player" drone.


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