
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

HYSTERICAL RAISINS: Republican Koch Suckers

Is there a vast corporate conspiracy behind the Tea Party and the midterm resurgence of the far right?

Some evidence involves the well-documented role of the billionaire Koch brothers, their Americans for Prosperity front group and other Koch-funded entities. 

Now a secret letter from Charles Koch shows that the tentacles of the “Kochtopus” include a high-level “network” of corporate, lobbying, nonprofit, and media organisations that meet regularly to plot right-wing strategy.

The Koch family knows how top do this with its family connections to Nazi Germany. Koch Industries is the child of the violence of Buchenwald,  widely regarded as one of wartime Germany’s most notorious “death camps”. It also has connections to the John Birch Society. 

This is corporatism, a polite word for American fascism.

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