
Friday, October 1, 2010

The Gavel: GOP reinvents the budgetary wheel with CutGo

September 30th, 2010 by Speaker's Press Shop

Today, in the name of fiscal responsibility, House Republican Leader John Boehner offer a proposal he called “CutGo." Cutgo is supposed to end existing government programs and spending items when creating new ones.

Seriously? Republicans got rid of PAYGO when they were in charge, opposed reinstating it, and voted against making it the law of the land. Here are the facts:

Republicans unanimously opposed making “pay-as-you-go” (PAYGO) budget discipline this year the law of the land, and in 2007 when Democrats made this a key part of House rules.

PAYGO simply returns us to the basic rule for every family budget: you don’t spend money you don’t have.

PAYGO requires Congress to offset the costs of tax cuts or increases in entitlement spending with savings elsewhere in the budget, except for a few items extending current law. If the net effect of all legislation enacted during a session of Congress increased the deficit, there would be an across-the-board reduction in certain mandatory programs.

This was a key step in turning the Republican record deficits of the early 1990s, to four years of surplus under President Clinton.

Are you getting the picture here! Republicans have not been fiscally conservative since before the Great Depression. Even Eisenhower couldn't balance the budget.

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