
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Washington Whispers ( GOP Fears Democratic Smear Campaign

By Paul Bedard Posted: August 3, 2010
As predictions grow that they will take back control of the House, more Republicans see demons around the corner, readying to rob them of victory.

The latest buzz is over worries the Democrats will launch an "October Surprise" smear campaign that will sour voters on the GOP.

They have two concerns. First is over how the Democrats will use the video they've been taking of Republican candidates' speeches around the country; Democrats are fishing for embarrassing gaffes. Second: the GOP's ties to K Street, and recent reports of boozing with lobbyists.

Rightardia thinks the GOp has good reason to worry. Democratic activists have been photographing and recording wayward Republicans who should know better.

It is hard to comprehend how a party that has moved to the hard right could win big in November.

The numerous intemperate remarks of Republican politicians will haunt them in the mid-terms. Take a look at this Democratic ad which is titled: 

'Crazy' Ideas: 'There's A Republican For That'

It may be a sign of thing to come.

 Read more: to the Rightardia feed:

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