Yes, that’s definitely Captain Kangaroo’s massive jacket hiding Newton’s corpulence. And he’s also wearing the laurel crown of a Roman emperor, which speaks to his blind ambition.
BTW, notice where Sarah Palin's 'I have cojones' spear ended up.
But those hideous trousers can only mean one thing: tiny penis. As for those soldier-ish wenches, they have their spears out, but their wingnutter headgear is clearly “debasing” their aim.
And that third one, Mitt Romney, looks like he’s wearing majik underoos. Maybe it’s a high school play. Maybe it’s just a few GOPPER has-been losers posturing for 2012. Only one thing we know for sure.
Rightardia believes this graphic indicates the desire of the far right to take Emperor Newt down.Romeny is not wearing underoos, he is wearing Magick Morphin" Mormon underwear, for sure!
Newton Leroy Gingrich, on his infidelity:
It doesn’t matter what I do. People need to hear what I have to say.
There’s no one else who can say what I can say. It doesn’t matter what I live.
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