
Thursday, August 19, 2010

The problem with conservatives is . . .

they have actually started to believe their own bull shit! 

  1. The Founders were 10 feet tall and in complete agreement on the Constitution of the US. Guards were actually situated around the Constitutional Convention so that eavesdroppers would not be able to listen to the arguments of the delegates.
  2. The US Constitution was written to protect the right of it citizens. This is untrue because the Bill of Rights (the First 10 amendments) were added into the US Constitution based on the Virginia Bill of Rights written by James Mason.
  3. The Founders were deeply religious. Some of the really important Founders like Jefferson and Franklin were deists. They believed in God but not organized religion. Franklin once said that light houses were more useful than churches. Jefferson rewrote the Bible to remove the spurious mysticism of the Four Evangelicals.
  4. The US is a Christian nation. The treaty of Tripoli signed by John Adams and approved by the full Senate states in Article 11: . . . the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.
  5. US law is founded on the 10 commandments. US law is actually based upon English Common Law. US law does not address any of the first five commandments. Six , eight and nine are against criminal law and seven and nine can lead to divorce in civil law. Republicans break 10 consistently.
  6. The Civil War was fought to protect states right or to end slavery. Neither of the preceding is true. The CSA Constitution contained the same federal supremacy clause that the US Constitution had, In addition, the government of Lincoln did not want to end slavery, it wanted to stop the expansion of it in new US territories.
  7. The Republican Party is the defense party. The GOP is big on defense spending, but the public has not trusted it in times of crises. Democratic Presidents such as Woodrow Wilson and FDR were elected respectively in WW 1 and WW 2. John Kennedy was also the president who escalated the US involvement in the Vietnam War.
  8. The Great Depression was caused by the Democratic Party. Harding Coolidge and Hoover were Republican presidents between 1921 and 1933. Most historians most often attribute the start of the Great Depression to the sudden and total collapse of US stock market prices on October 29, 1929, known as Black Tuesday.
  9. The Nazis were socialistic and atheistic. The Nazis were right wing fascists and allied with Benito Mussolini who coined the term 'fascism.' The US was allied with the UK and Russia. The Russians had a socialistic economy and communist political system.The Nazis did have a socialistic wing called the SA, but Hitler had the SA purged during the Night of the Long Knives. In addition, the Nazis were religious zealots who were looking for the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. Their tanks and aircraft were marked with Teutonic crosses. Many Republicans at the time were isolationist and America Firsters. The GOP wanted the US to stay out of the war. This became impossible when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Germany declared war on the US shortly thereafter.
  10. The US won World War 2. Certainly the US defeated the Japanese forces in the Pacific, but the US contribution was more limited in the European theater. We provided massive aid in supplies and weapons systems to both the UK and the Soviet Union. Most of the US casualties in Europe were in the air because the Normandy invasion did not start until June in 1944. By then the Russians had pushed the Germans out of Russia altogether. The Soviets deserve most of the credit for destroying the German Wehrmacht.
Who is the Republican bull shit king?  Why that would be George W. Bush. He was elected president twice. Who is the queen: that would be Sarah Palin, perhaps even a better bull shit artist than GWB.

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