
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mike Reagan: conservative wing nut

Kurt Nimmo Truth News June 13, 2008
Rigtardia puts Mike Reagan isn the same category as Michael Savage, the Savage Wiener. We saw him once on MSNBC and instantly disliked him. Mike Reagan is one smug SOB! We understood immediately why Reagan is on hate radio. 

On a recent Alex Jones Show in June 2010, San Diego 9/11 truth activist Mark Dice related additional details on the death threat issued against him by nationally-syndicated radio talk show host and the adopted son of former president Ronald Reagan, Michael Reagan.

Dice has filed a report with the FBI and is considering legal action against Reagan, who called for Dice to be shot as a traitor for daring to launch a campaign to send DVDs and materials about the September 11, 2001, inside job to the troops in Iraq. This is activity protected under the First Amendment, which Reagan obviously has nothing but contempt for.

“Excuse me folks, I’m going to say this,” Reagan said (see video). “We ought to find the people who are doing this, take them out and shoot them. Really. You take them out, they are traitors to this country, and shoot them. You have a problem with that? Deal with it. You shoot them. You call them traitors, that’s what they are, and you shoot them dead. I’ll pay for the bullets.” Reagan made the threat Tuesday, June 10th, during the second hour of his radio program.

By saying he will “pay for the bullets,” Reagan crossed over the line from admittedly reprehensible political commentary and made a direct and illegal threat against Mark Dice. This was not a mistake, as Reagan bills himself as a “Republican strategist,” that is to say a neocon strategist, and the neocons are anxious to deal with the growing influence of the 9/11 truth and patriot movements.

Reagan is being investigated by the FBI for his threats. also has a story up claiming that Reagan advocated killing babies, in a particularly gruesome and horrible way, and their moms, of course, if they have a political ideology with which he disagrees. If the parents name a child in a way Reagan finds offensive.

You see, Mr. Michael Reagan is apparently prescient. Yes, he has psychic powers and can tell us all, that a baby named Al Kaduh will grow up to kill Americans. All babies so named should be killed by cramming hand grenades up their rectums and blowing them up.

The article is here. Please click the link to read it: [link edited for length].

You'll find it includes a YouTube tape of Reagan spouting this filth. It's not a joke.  Here's a direct link to the video: [link edited for length]

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