
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hillbilly Report: Letter To Grandma "Grandma, You Ain't Entitled"

by: Hillbilly
Tue Aug 03, 2010 at 03:30:32 AM EDT

Grandma, I know you paid 6.2 percent of your wages into Social Security while the rich folks making $1,000,000 were paying only 0.662 percent and I realize no one complained while you were paying your 6.2 percent every week or month. 

But now that you're retired and Social Security is paying you, you're causing folks to worry about the deficit. Grandma, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Grandma, you've done went and pissed all the rich folks off. Hell I thought you new better than that. You see Grandma you've been going to the doctor too much and Medicare seems to be having money problems.

I know Medicare was Ok as long as you was paying them, but Grandma it's different when they have to start paying for your sick old ass and now the rich folks are going to have to pay more just because you're sick and need medical care. Grandma, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Grandma, don't you understand what's going on here? Hell you think cutting your pills in half is a hard days work. I know you can't afford to take a whole pill, but give me a break.

You need to drag your lazy old ass out and find a couple of jobs. Grandma, are you listening to me? Maybe they'll take you in the military, check it out their just down the street and you could ride your scooter right up to the recruiting office. Hell if Rumsfeld could run the whole show surely you could make General in a week or two. Rich folks like Generals Grandma.

Ok Grandma so you don't want to go back to work, don't worry it'll all be over soon. The rich folks will tell congress to let the 21% reduction in Medicare physician reimbursement take effect and you won't be able to find a doctor and your sick old ass will be up the creek without a paddle.

I hope you got funeral insurance Grandma. How's that for getting even Grandma. Grandma it just don't pay to piss off those rich folks. I thought you knew that.

PS: Grandma would you write a letter to Senator Mitch McConnell and the US Chamber of Commerce and tell them you support keeping the bush Tax Cuts for the richest 2 percent?

Are you gonna ride your scooter over to the Tea Party Rally? Gotta go bye.

Your loving Grandson,

Pand Raul

Good News for Grandma

NEW YORK ( -- High-income households will be paying more into Medicare as a result of the new health reform law.

For starters, the Medicare payroll tax is going up for individuals making more than $200,000 in wages, and couples making more than $250,000.

Currently, the Medicare payroll tax is 2.9% on all wages -- with the worker and his employer each paying 1.45%.

Under the new law, starting in 2013, high-income individuals will pay another 0.9 percentage points -- so their share will total 2.35% of their wages.

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