
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Agit-Pop: The Founding Fathers

In 1776 the Founding Fathers threw off the yoke of British tyranny. Now they're back to throw off the yoke of British Petroleum — and the other peddlers of influence who have befouled our fair democracy by pushing Congress to pass the Fair Elections Now Act.

There's a new force in American politics, and by "new" we mean 230 years old. That's right - the Founding Fathers are back, and they're leading a revolt against the corporate tyranny that threatens our democracy.

First they punked lobbyists in DC, then bankers on wall Street Because when it comes to democracy... which corrupt knaves should Ben Franklin & Co. pay a visit to this summer? Is it:
Michelle Bachmann? John Boehner? Ben Nelson? The choice is yours - vote now.

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