In an interview with C-SPAN on Sunday, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) spoke of people's nostalgia for the days of the Bush Administration.
Cornyn, the chairman of the National Senatorial Committee, said that "President Bush's stock is going up a lot since he left office" due, in part, to the increase in the national deficit under the Obama Administration.
Cornyn said that although Bush "had his challenges," Republicans have learned a lot about what they could have done better in terms of fiscal responsibility.
I think a lot of people are looking back with a little -- with more fondness on President Bush's administration, and I think history will treat him well.
The last three presidential polls, The Times 2008, the CSPAN 2009, and the Siena 2010, put Bush in the bottom 10 per cent of presidents according to Wikipedia. The last poll, the Siena, ranked Bush 39th of the 44 presidents. See
Beleive it or not, Rep. Pete Sessions, the point-person in charge of winning Congress for the GOP, admitted it on Meet the Press last Sunday that the GOP intend(s) to bring back the exact same George W. Bush agenda which drove our economy into the ditch.
Bush presidential ratings are not improving with time as Bush had hoped. The opposite is occurring. Of course, one cannot confuse Republicans with the facts.
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