
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 Michele Bachmann sees US as a 'nation of slaves'

Andy Barr -, 7/12/10 2:07 PM EDT
Rep. Michele Bachmann asserts-- the 18 months in which Democrats have held the White House along with the House and Senate-- have amounted to 'tyranny.'

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) believes that President Barack Obama is turning the United States into a “nation of slaves.”

Bachmann made the comments over the weekend while appearing at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver.

According to the Colorado Independent, Bachmann first read a letter from John Jay that he wrote during the Revolutionary War.

“We are determined to live free or not at all. And we are resolved that posterity shall never reproach us with having brought slaves into the world,” Jay wrote.

Bachmann then told the audience, “We will talk a little bit about what has transpired in the last 18 months and would we count what has transpired into turning our country into a nation of slaves.”

Bachmann later asserted that the 18 months in which Democrats have held the White House along with the House and Senate have amounted to “tyranny,” pointing directly to the health care reforms Obama was able to shepherd through earlier this year.  

Bachmann did not mention that  a plurality of Americans approve of the Obama health care reforms. 

The Minnesota Republican said she is “giddy” at the idea of Republicans potentially recapturing majorities on Capitol Hill and mapped out an ambitious road map of where she’d like to see the GOP go:

We reform social security, then we reform Medicare, then we pare back welfare to the truly needy, for the truly disabled, because, yes, we can make that determination.

Close and secure American boarders, cut the budget, limit our foreign entanglements for America, then we massively cut spending first, then we cut taxes.

What Bachmann is really saying is that the GOP wants the Bush policies back: privatize Social Security and cut back Medicare benefits. Welfare benefits have already been cut to the bone and perhaps Bachmann is suggesting unemployment compensation is welfare, which it is not.

Does the US want a barbwire curtain between Mexico and the US. if so, why didn't Bush do this when he was in office? 

Does anybody really take the GOP seriously on a balanced budget? It didn't happen during the Reagan or the last two Bush adminstrations.

Of course, the GOp salivates when it thinks it can cut taxes for affluent Americans, a tenet of Supply Side economics.  

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