
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Huffington Post: Shirley Sherrod To Sue Andrew Breitbart

JESSE WASHINGTON | 07/29/10 12:43 PM | AP

SAN DIEGO — Ousted Agriculture Department employee Shirley Sherrod said Thursday she will sue a conservative blogger who posted a doctored video to make her appear racist.

Sherrod was forced to resign as director of rural development in Georgia after Andrew Breitbart posted the edited video online. In the full video, Sherrod, who is black, spoke to a local NAACP group about racial reconciliation and lessons she learned helping a white farmer save his home.

Speaking Thursday at the National Association of Black Journalists convention, Sherrod said she would "definitely" sue over the video that took her remarks out of context.

Sherrod said she had not received an apology from Breitbart and no longer wanted one.

"He had to know that he was targeting me," she said.

The lawsuit is a good idea because there has been so much distortion of talk radio and Fox News. This may cause some of these pseudo-journalists to pause.

Breitbart is not a journalist. He is a propagandist.

Richard Hofstadter wrote in a famous 1964 essay, the "paranoid style" of American politics practiced by extreme conservatives. Bretbart has stated that he single handedly wants to take down the Eastern Liberal establishment.

It looks like Shirely Sherrod may be about to take down the bully Breitbart a peg or two! The punitive damages could be more than $ one million in conservative dollars.

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