That's right. Instead of taking steps to help our state three months after the oil spill began, the House wrapped up their meeting in 49 minutes and the Senate took only one vote -- the vote to adjourn.
Floridians have already suffered for three months, and should not have to wait two more months for relief that the legislature can provide now.
Thank you,
Alex Sink, Florida CFO
Scott Arceneaux added: Yesterday, Senate President Jeff Atwater, Rep. Dean Cannon and the other Republican politicians in Tallahassee showed us why we so desperately need new and different leaders to fight for Florida's future.
Despite the urgent pleas from people like you across Florida, Atwater and his GOP buddies chose simply to play petty political games. After being called to Tallahassee to ban drilling off Florida's beaches, they did nothing. Instead of doing any work, the Republicans chose to waste your dollars.
Rather than even debating the issue, the Republicans decided to "gavel-and-go." This disaster has been affecting the Gulf for over 90 days, but they showed up for work for no more than 54 minutes.
Floridians affected by this disaster are still waiting for their help - but the Republicans decided that they deserved a 1 hour workday with a lunch break. If anyone of us did that on our job we'd be fired and these Republican politicians need to be fired too.
We can't let this stand - we need new and different leadership in Tallahassee. If you donate $10 today, you are not only helping us win this fall, you are going to help put an end to out-of-touch Republicans who control of our state's government.
After yesterday's debacle, we've heard that the Republicans are already asking oil company lobbyists for campaign contributions. And Tallahassee is abuzz of rumors that Big Oil is giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Republicans who continue chanting "Drill Baby, Drill."
These politicians said no to helping Florida's families and small businesses hurting from the BP oil spill. And they refused to even debate putting a Constitutional Amendment on the ballot. That's right, they won't even give Floridians a voice in the efforts to protect our beaches.
Now they are turning to oil company lobbyists to protect them from voters that are already angry at them for what they tried to do this past legislative session, like their Senate Bill 6 Tallahassee takeover, their ultrasound mandate, and their attempts to create more slush funds to pay for their lavish lifestyles.
We need your help to fight back against the Republican leaders and the oil company lobbyists. If you donate $10 today, you are not only helping us win this fall, you are sending a message to Big Oil that our state is not for sale.
Yesterday's events will put this election in perspective for all Floridians.
The Republican controlled Florida House left town after just 49 minutes. They didn't even try to help Floridians.
And while he worked hard to blame others for the Legislature's failure yesterday, Sen. Jeff Atwater refused to allow Senators to vote.
Atwater ignored the tens of thousands of Floridians who stood with Loranne Ausley, to demand that the drilling ban and relief to Floridians affected by the spill be voted on.
Atwater's Senate met for just 54 minutes. And after Atwater found out that "there're sandwiches in the back," he led the Republican Senate in taking a break.
Yet, the Republican Senate refused to give a break to the small business owners in Northwest Florida.
They said they didn't have enough time for the oystermen or the bait tackle shop owner or the suffering families, but they had time for a 42 minute long lunch break.
This fall we need to fire the out-of-touch Republicans in Tallahassee, and hire some new and different leaders - thank you for all your help in making it happen. Please give $10 or more to help win in November.
Thank you for all your support and with your help - I know that we will be handing a lot of these Republican politicians pink slips in the fall.
Scott Arceneaux
Executive Director
Florida Democratic Party

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