This blog is dedicated to progressive and liberal thought. It also discusses new technology, how technology affects privacy and developments in Russia, China, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Rightardia fully supports the rights of workers to organize, the feminist movement, and all Americans regardless or ethnicity, sex or gender.It uses humor, satire and parody to expose conservative thought for what it truly is: BS! Rightardia contributes to the DNC, DCCC, DSCC and MoveOn.Org.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Sean Hannity calls Obama “Worst President” Ever
Rightrdia suspected conservatives would have a fit when Obama announced changes to the arachaic US strategic nuclear policy.
Sean Hannity declared Barack Obama the “worst president ever” for his commitment to nuclear disarmament, only to sputter out a series of introspective questions mercifully interrupted by Newt Gingrich. “Our enemies must be rejoicing,” Hannity boldly declared as he discussed the details of Obama’s new nuclear disarmament policies that would stop the building of nuclear weapons and prohibit their use against non-nuclear powers.
Many years ago the US developed a policy called Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). The Major, our international affairs writer liked the acronymn 'MAD' because any nation considering the use of nuclear weapons would have to be unbalanced. Nobody wins in a nuclear exchange.
Nuclear weapons were only been used twice at the end of Wordl War 2. After the war ended, the US spent 47 per cent of its defense budget on nuclear weapons until out policy makers realized the utility of these weapons is limited. Once a adversary has a nuclear capability, the use of nuclear weapons becomes unthinkable.
Of course, this is the reason Israel, which may have up to 200 tactical nukes, doesn't want Iran to develop a similar capability. Once the Iranians have nukes, it will blunt the Israeli nuclear arsenal.
It is also interesting to Rightardia that the Israeli nuclear capability is not being discussed in the context of Iran. In the long run, the best possible solution in the Middle East would be to make it a nuclear free zone. However, Israel and Iran are sideshows in the bigger stratgic nuclear picture.
Russia has cut down the size of its armed forces and appears to be more interested in economic development than military adventures. Russia wants the Jackson-Vanik amendment suspended so it can trade with the US. The Russians have launched US satellites and also have sold their rocket motors to US for space launches.
The conservative view that Russia is trying to get the upper hand on the US with its nuclear capability seems to be the retro type of thinking that occurred during the Cold War. The US has many bright people in the DOD that will protect US interests in the next START treaty. Rightardia is confident the Pentagon intelligence professionals have a better understanding of nuclear issues than the hacks at Fox News.
Nuclear weapons are expensive to manufacture and to maintain. They are useful only as a deterrent. The uranium is the obsolete weapons can be used for fuel and megatons can be converted to megawatts.
In addition, the US maintains an obsolete fleet of B-52s to deliver nuclear weapons which should be decommissioned. It is also expensive for missiles crews to operate on a 24 hour basis in underground silos waiting for the unthinkable. Some of these missile sites can be decommissioned as well.
Most of the Armed Service nuclear capability in in the Air Force and the US Navy. It was interesting when the USAF reorganized in the 1990s, one of the first causalities was the Strategic Air Command (SAC) which had the nuclear deterrence mission.
The tactical generals, who were primarily fighter pilots, took away all of the bombers, missiles and tankers from SAC and tuned SAC into a planning organization for the Strategic Integrated Operations Plan (SIOP), which is the US nuclear war plan. These changes might give our readers some idea of the priority that the strategic mission had in the new Air Force.
An intelligent nuclear policy will save billions of defense dollars and also provide a new energy source that will convert megatons that are setting in dusty nuclear arsenals into megawatts that will meet future US energy needs.
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