
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rightardia editorial: The government is not the problem: it is the conservatives

The problem in American politics have been the conservatives, in particular the Republican party that represents a minority of Americans who live in the South and West. As Marshal McLuhan has stated, Americans tend to look at themselves in the rear view mirror. More accurately, conservatives look at America in the rear view mirror. We have a Virginia governor who established Confederacy Month, but forgot to mention slavery.

We have Tea Partiers running around suggesting they to comply with the new national health care program based upon 10th Amendment arguments. The 10th Amendment, however, is one of the weaker amendments in the US Constitution and has been described as a truism by Wikipedia.

Tea Partiers talk about their Constitutional rights being violated, but the US Constitution has a supremacy clause and an interstate commerce clause that does give Congress the right to pass national health care reform. Most of the Tea Party arguments are libertarian or anarchist.

The right wing likes to bandy libertarian ideas, but there are few libertarian candidates in office, Congressman Ron Paul is a notable exception. When Rightardia has looked at the political make-up of the US, libertarians account for about two per cent of the US population.

The Oklahoma Tea Party wants to establish a militia. The militia movement has a lot of anarchistic roots. The Hutaree 9 wanted to carve out a piece of Michigan as their own state. Many militia members harbor the right wing fantasy that they will lead some sort of fascist revolution in the US. This was certainly the dream of Tim McVay. Many of these militia members consider the Tuner Diaries as their Bible. 

The Turner Diaries details a violent overthrow of the United States federal government by Turner and his militant comrades and a brutal contemporaneous race war that takes place first in North America, and then the rest of the world.

The story starts soon after the federal government has confiscated all civilian firearms in the country under the Cohen Act. Turner and his cohorts belong go underground and engage in guerrilla war against the System: the government, mainstream media, and economy that is under Jewish control.

The Organization starts with acts such as the bombing of FBI headquarters and continues to prosecute an ongoing, low level campaign of terrorism, assassination and economic sabotage throughout the United States. Turner's exploits lead to his initiation into the Order, a quasi-religious inner cadre whose existence remains secret to both the System and ordinary Organization members.

The Turner Diaries is a novel written in 1978 by William Luther Pierce. A former leader of the white Nationalist organization National Alliance. The book was called "explicitly racist and anti-Semitic" by The New York Times and has been labeled the "bible of the racist right" by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

What these conservatives want is an American fascist state in which corporations and states have more power than the federal government. Many believe that a neo-Confederate states of America is what the country needs.

However, the CSA Constitution was not greatly different for the US Constitution. The Confederate Constitution also had a supremacy clause that was identical to the one in the the US Constitution.

Nor did the Confederate government have the authority to draft it citizens into the Army. The CSA did not want blacks in the Army which were more than half of the population in some Southern states. The Confederacy was fearful or arming black people. These are some of the reasons the Confederates lost the war.

Many historians believe the war would have ended in two years instead of four if Lincoln had a more able General than George McClellan. McClellan won battles but refused to pursue the confederates after a victory to destroy Lee's army. Once Lincoln relieved McClellan and replaced him with Grant, the war was quickly concluded.

Conservatives long for the days of corporate towns and corporate homes in which the corporate leaders were also the local political leaders. This was the same era in which corporations had small armies in their factories to control labor unrest. Many workers went to their graves owing more money to the corporate store than they earned. This was also the era of the 60 hour week and child labor.

Conservatives talk about balancing the budget, but the worst budgetary excesses have occurred when GOP had president in office. President Bush doubled the national debt in office. He also tuned a surplus from the Clinton administration into $1.3 trillion deficit. The last GOP president to balance the budget was Richard Nixon.

The libertarians would like to scale back the Armed Forces for purely defensive means. Congressman Ron Paul made this very clear in the GOP debates prior to the 2008 presidential election.

Unfortunately, the other Republicans candidates are pro-defense and they eventually excluded Rep. Paul from future Republican debates. Congressman Paul was the leading Repblicans in political contributions when the GOP dropped him from the debate circuit.

The big ticket item for federal income tax dollars is national defense. Thirty six per cent of Income Tax revenues go to pay for the men, equipment and facilities in the Armed Forces. Will the GOP be willing to scale back defense to balance the budget? Minority Leader John Boehner recently suggested the Republicans would support defense cuts. Historically this has never been the case.

The Obama administration is doing everything it can to bolster the economy. It has passed an economic stimulus, national health care, extended unemployment benefits and increased Food Stamp payments. It has also cut taxes for the middle class and small businesses. The Bush tax cuts will expire shortly which will increase federal revenues.

What is the conservative agenda besides being the “Party of No?” It seems the mainline Republicans and the Tea Partiers have no clear mutual agenda with the exception of health care repeal. This is a 'fool's errand' because it would take 67 votes in the Senate to overcome a presidential veto.

The only clear cut goal of the Tea Partiers is that they want more jobs. The mainstream GOP has never done well in creating jobs when they are in power. In fact, they have always talked more about increasing worker productivity than creating new jobs.

During the Bush administration, many corporations moved their headquarters oversea to avoid taxes, jobs were off shored and H1B visas were accelerated to bring in cheaper foreign workers into the US.

Mainstream Republicans will also suggest that tax cuts will help the economy, but clearly they are thinking about tax cuts for the GOP base: 'the have mores. ' Moody's has published studies showing the unemployment benefits and food stamps provide more bang for the federal tax buck than either permanent or temporary tax cuts.

If the GOP were to retake the House, it would produce more grid lock and the economic recovery would slow. There is an old saying about not changing horses in mid-stream. Rightardia is confident that if the public continues to give the Democrats a mandate the remaining two years of the Obama term, the nation will recover.

The electorate should give President Obama the same opportunity to excel it gave that underachieving president, George G. Bush.

It is clear that most of the problems this country is now facing was created during the Bush presidency. The Republicans policies of cutting taxes for the affluent and starting wars won't fix the economy.

That approach didn't work when Bush was president and it won't work now. The government is not the problem: it is the conservatives who want to turn back the clock to a bygone era.

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