
Monday, March 29, 2010

Genesis contradicts science: How life on Earth was really created

by Secular Human

In the Beginning

We know the universe in at least 15 billion years old and the Earth is about 4.54 billion years old according to Wikipedia. We even know where in the sky the 'Big Bang' originated which the constellation of Virgo. Clearly the universe was not created in seven days or even 7 billion years.

In Genesis, the Earth is created before light and stars, birds and whales before reptiles and insects, and flowering plants before any animals. The order of events known from science is the opposite. 

Scientists know that solar systems are created around suns from whirling disks of dust, gas and water. The dust aggregates into larger and larger spheres until small planets emerge that grow larger over billions of years.

One of the big questions scientists are still working on is where did all of the water on Earth come from. Some scientists believe the water was already into the dust cloud that surrounded the early sun. Others believe that the Earth got most of its water form comets and asteroids during the Great Bombardment. which occurred about 4.1 billion years ago.

According to Genesis God separated light from darkness, and day from night, on the first day. Yet he/she/it didn't make the light producing objects (the sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19).  How could there be "the evening and  the morning" on the first day if there was no sun to mark them? 1:3-5

Plants were made on the third day before there was a sun to drive their photosynthetic processes (1:14-19). 1:11. How is this possible? No plant can survive without sunlight. God then lets "the Earth bring forth" the plants, rather than creating them directly.

God makes two lights: "the greater light [the sun] to rule the day, and the lesser light [the moon] to rule the night." But the moon is not a light, but only reflects light from the sun. If God made the moon to "rule the night", why does it spend half of its time moving through the daytime sky? 1:16. Of course, the people of Ur (modern Iraq) worshiped a moon goddess which may explain this reference.

After making the animals, God has Adam name them all. The naming of several million species must have kept Adam busy for a while. 2:18-22. We also know not every species of animal lived near the Garden of Eden which was probably in modern day Iraq.

God fashions a woman out of one of Adam's ribs. Because of this story, it was commonly believed that males have one less rib than females. When Vesalius showed in 1543 that the number of ribs was the same in males and females, it created a storm of controversy. 2:19

More importantly, the first living creatures were asexual and could reproduce spontaneously. Males have vestigial breasts that suggest when the first sexual animals evolved which was around 1.5 billion years ago, males actually evolved from females.

Noah is told to make an ark that is 450 feet long. 6:14-15. Archaeologists know that the story of the Great Flood appears in many different cultures and believe the Israelites added this story to the Bible during the Babylonian Captivity. 

The Babylonian story is far older than the story that appears in the Bible. Archaeologists believed the Great Flood really describes the a flood that started when the Tigris and Euphrates overflowed their banks pushing out a barge filled with caged animals and other goods into the Persian Gulf. 

The real story of creation

How was the Earth really created?  Rightardia has alluded to dust cloud around our G-class sun that eventually formed planets. G-class suns have along life cycle of 10-billion years. Fortunately, the Earth was created in a zone around the sun where life was possible. The planet was neither too close to the sun or too far away for life to survive.

The Earth also got the benefit of huge gas giants much farther out in the solar system which had huge gravitational pulls. These gas giants attracted a lot of debris that is floating around our solar system and prevented asteroids and comets for hitting the Earth. Jupiter, if fact, is so large it could have became a sun. However, it would have had to have been 60 times as large as it is to ignite into a sun. tore massive

Around 4.5 billion years ago, the MOON is carved out of Earth by a huge impact. The Mars sized object that hit the Earth deposited most of it iron core on the Earth. This larger iron core created a huge magnetic field around the Earth and also drove plate tectonics. Mars, on the other hand, lost most of its magnetic filed and most of it atmosphere billions of year ago.

The large moon also keeps the Earth's axis in check because the moon is very large for a small planet like Earth. Without the moon, the Earth would experience wide climate changes throughout the year because the Earth's axis would wobble a lot more.

After the Great Bombardment ends, the oceans formed on Earth. Around four billions years ago, anaerobic life forms develop on Earth. During this time, Earth's only life forms were aquatic, one-celled bacteria that extracted energy from a variety of sources such as hydrothermal vents. To most of these organisms, free oxygen was poisonous.

At this time the Earth's atmosphere was primarily carbon dioxide about 100 times as much as we have in the atmosphere today. The world's oceans were green with the iron. Then cyanobactera developed about 2.15 billion years ago that produced oxygen and also also caused the iron in the oceans to particulate into red rust beds on the ocean's floor.
Edicaran fossils
The GARDEN OF EDIACARA rose about 565-543 million years ago. These creatures may have been mosaics of both plants and animals much like the corals or today which get most of their energy from plant colonies that live within the body of the coral.

By 410-360 million years ago the first amphibians walk upon the land. Amphibians evolved into archosaurs that had features of both dinosaurs and mammals.

The Permian extinction occured 245 million years ago and the Dinosaurs become the predominate land animals.

Jump forward more than 200 million years and the first early ancestors of humans show up in the fossil record about 6 million years ago. The first humans appeared about 200,000 year ago in Africa, not in the Middle East.The oldest human fossils from Israel are Neanderthals that are only 47,000 years old.

The Earth exists today because of a series of fortunate events. Our planet formed in a region is space where life can exist around a long lifed G-class sun. The gravity of gas giants like Jupiter protect our planet from asteroids and comets that might otherwise have hit the Earth. We have an abundance of water.

A large moon formed that keeps the Earth's axis from wildly wobbling which would produce harsh climate changes. When the moon formed, the Earth picked up the iron core form a Mars sized planet that hit the Earth. 

The large core drives plate tectonics that have affected evolution on the planet and also has provided a magnetic filed that has protected the Earth's atmosphere. Without the fortunate collision and extra iron in the Earth's core, all life on Earth might be extinct today.

This is the real story on how life was created on Earth which was through a series of fortunate events. It is quite a bit different from the story in the Bible.

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