
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Music video: Science is Real

For years scientists have tired to resolve religion and science. We even have a religion that claims it is based on science, but Scientology is based upon beliefs in extraterrestrials and evil spirits.

Rightardia thinks such efforts to reconcile science and religion are pointless. We are not aware of any religion that is fact based. Some religions have a minimal of dogma such as Budhism and Unitarianism. We consider these religions to be more enlightened than those that are evangelical and fundamentalist.

A functional religion should try to bring people together rather than set them apart because of creed, sexuality, or race. A religion that encourages more rationality and less spirituality would be appreciated.

Most Christian religions center around accepting particular church beliefs to achieve the pay off called salvation. In other words a church member contributes money and time to the church and one gets entry into heaven. Islam takes this to an extreme with the promise of sexual favors from beautiful women after death:

"It was mentioned by Daraj Ibn Abi Hatim, that Abu al-Haytham 'Adullah Ibn Wahb narrated from Abu Sa'id al-Khudhri, who heard the Prophet Muhammad saying: 
'The smallest reward for the people of Heaven is an abode where there are eighty thousand servants and seventy-two houri, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine and ruby, as wide as the distance from al-Jabiyyah to San'a.
This is simple reciprocity: you rub the church's or mosque's back, and you will be rewarded with Paradise. A lot of people have thrown their lives away by believing this bunk.

The right wing likes to talk about how there are no atheists in fox holes. Rightardia would point out that in World War 2 that the Germans were the true believers who painted Teutonic crosses on the armored vehicles  and aircraft.

The Nazis were defeated by the Red Army who was less motivated by religious idealism. After the war, senior officials in the Roman Catholic church helped many senior Nazis escape to South America.

German MG 42 machine gun

The Major likes to watch the Military Channel and recently heard this story about a soldier during the Normandy invasion. As the first US soldiers departed the LST's onto Omaha Beach, they were being cut down by the Germans defending the beach.

One devout Catholic knelled down on the beach and started praying to the Rosary. He was cut in two by German MG 42 machine gun fire. Perhaps if he had moved forward to do his duty rather then hesitating to pray, he would have survived. Many Germans also thought God had abandoned them during the Normandy invasion.

Source: They Might Be Giants: Science is Real

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