
Thursday, January 14, 2010

CBS News Coop's Corner: The Tea Party's Media List

Sarah Palin, Orly Taitz and Michele Bachmann
In a press release it issued Thursday afternoon, the organizers of next month's Tea Party Convention in Nashville announced that press passes would be extended only to the aforesaid:

1. WorldNet
4. Fox News
5. Wall Street Journal.

Which of the above-mentioned organizations don't belong? That's a no-brainer. Despite its acquisition by News Corp. in 2007, the WSJ remains one of the world's top news organizations in the English-speaking world.

The other folks on that short list don't even come close. WorldNet Daily helped spearhead last year's "birther" movement, questioning the validity of Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility for the presidency. Even Glenn Beck has called out the claim as "the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

Ben Smith of Politico nailed it when he described the Journal's inclusion into this right-wing fraternity as an "insult" to the WSJ's news side, "traditionally a smart straight-news operation perpetually a bit irritated to be mistaken for its conservative editorial page."
BTW the keynote speaker,  is Sarah Palin. She is the Alice of the event. The Mad Hatter is none other than Michele Bachman. The rabbit is Orly Taitz.


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