
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Senate candidate claims Wikipedia Is A Pro-Obama, Tax-Exempt Scam

(NEW YORK)(December 17, 2009) Republican U. S. Illinois Senate candidate and insurgent "Internet Powerhouse" Andy Martin will hold a New York news conference Thursday, December 17th.
He will announce that he is suing the "protosocialist" Wikipedia/Wikimedia operation for using tax-exempt resources to run a hate campaign against him at the behest of Wikimedia's Barack Obama supporters.

Martin is in New York for the Second national Conference on Barack Obama's Missing Birth Certificate and College Records.

"No one could characterize the Wikipedia entry on my extraordinary life of public service and personal sacrifice as 'neutral and impartial,'" Martin says.

"It is obviously nothing more than a political smear by Barack Obama's rabid supporters. Wikimedia and Wikimedia are tax-exempt protosocialist scams that target conservatives, Republicans and opponents of Obama. I am a triple threat when it comes to being the target of Obama agents.

"I am fighting back. We need to expose Wikimedia's scams. Wikimedia/Wikipedia use tax-exempt resources to spew their venom on innocent victims Martin says. "The public is also a victim of fraud by these leftist Obamabots. I want to bring the facts and the truth about these protosocialist provocateurs to the attention of the American people."

Wikkipedia indicates that Martin asserts that "Obama's real father is not Barack Obama Sr., but is Frank Marshall Davis, an African American journalist of the 1950s." Martin wants Obama to release his school records and long form birth certificate. Martin denies that he or Sarah Palin are birthers.
The Wikipedia article on Martin is entertaining. In 1973 the Illinois Supreme Court refused to grant him a license to practice law in the state. 
It cited several instances of troubling conduct on Martin's part, including an attempt to have a parking violation thrown out because it had been "entered by an insane judge" and his description of an attorney as "shaking and tottering and drooling like an idiot."
Martin had been described by state psychiatrists as having a "moderately severe character defect manifested by well-documented ideation with a paranoid flavor and a grandiose character."
As far as Rightardia can tell, Martin has no college education and would be unable to objectively view Wikipedia articles.  He appears to be another conservative Don Quixote who wants to tilt at windmills like Dr. Orly Taitz. His lawsuit will never see the light of day.



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