
Thursday, December 17, 2009

The importance of reading the Bible

Eyeblast TV provides conservative videos. The Importance of Reading the Bible video is a good example. The Old Testament was written about 2600 years ago and is filled with examples of violence against other tribes, slaves, women and children.

If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the Lord." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through.   (Zechariah 13:3 NAB)

"You Ethiopians will also be slaughtered by my sword," says the LORD.  And the LORD will strike the lands of the north with his fist.  He will destroy Assyria and make its great capital, Nineveh, a desolate wasteland, parched like a desert.  The city that once was so proud will become a pasture for sheep and cattle.  All sorts of wild animals will settle there.  Owls of many kinds will live among the ruins of its palaces, hooting from the gaping windows.  Rubble will block all the doorways, and the cedar panelling will lie open to the wind and weather.  This is the fate of that boisterous city, once so secure.  "In all the world there is no city as great as I," it boasted.  But now, look how it has become an utter ruin, a place where animals live!  Everyone passing that way will laugh in derision or shake a defiant fist.   (Zephaniah 2:12-15 NLT)

Here is an example in the new Testament: 

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth. I have come to bring not peace but the sword.

For I have come to set a man 'against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one's enemies will be those of his household."  (Matthew 10: 34-36)

Will reading the Bible stop murder and fraud? Rightardia doubts it. A lot of violence has an economic rather than a religious basis and fraud is common is many evangelical churches with all of the faith healing, bogus fund raising and sexual scandals. 

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