
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Who are the new Athiests?

theNew Atheists

Tolerance of pervasive myth and superstition in modern society is not a virtue.

Religious fundamentalism has gone main stream and its toll on education, science, and social progress is disheartening. Wake up people!! We are smart enough now to kill our invisible gods and oppressive beliefs.

It is the responsibility of the educated to educate the uneducated, lest we fall prey to the tyranny of ignorance.

The Hitchens' video is long, but worth watching.  Much of the video is a Q and A session after a 20 minute presentation. 

Most religions from the Middle Eastern works on a simple principle of reciprocity. If you become one of our believers, you will gain eternal salvation in heaven. Much of religion is based on conforming to church norms and fear of going to hell.

Emmanuel Kant has written about morality and ethics and created the Categorical Imperative that is similar to the Golden Rule. The  Categorical Imperative may be defined as the standard of rationality from which all moral requirements are derived. It provides for a basis for morality and ethics that is not based on religion.


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