
Sunday, November 22, 2009

White House blog : Speaking of Page Numbers

Posted by Dan Pfeiffer on November 20, 2009 at 11:30 PM EST

Rightardia considers the Affordable Health Care Act of 2009 to be a 'no brainer.' We have noticed the GOP using the term common sense lately and wonder why any American would be against the 'common sense' Affordable Health Care Act of 2009. The reasons they staff came up with are as follows:

1. ignorance typified by the uniformed and undereducated Tea Baggers.

2. people who have their ideological blinders on like the Tea Baggers.

3. people who stand to see profits reduced like the health insurance industry who have been mistreating medical health insurance policy holders for years and raking in windfall profits.

4. People who want the Presidency of Barack Obama to fail like Sen. Jim DeMint, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and most of the Republican Party
Since some opponents of reform seem too obsessed with the length of the Senate health insurance reform bill to even bother looking at what's in it for American families, we thought we'd make it a little easier for them to find some key of provisions they're working so hard to kill:

* On page 78 you’ll learn that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ends discrimination based on pre-existing conditions.
* On page 17, it makes preventive care completely free, with no cost-sharing. (This might be of particular interest to those who have chosen to seize on concerns about the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations on mammograms to spread baseless myths and advance their own political agenda.)
* Flipping back to page 16, you’ll find that insurance companies are prohibited from dropping your coverage or watering it down when you get sick and need it most.

* Also on page 16, you might notice that it puts an end to lifetime caps on coverage.
* Page 18 is where the bill extends family coverage eligibility for young Americans through the age of 26.
* On page 83 it requires insurance companies to renew any policy as long as the policyholder pays their premium in full – that means they can’t refuse to renew your coverage just because you get sick.

* Page 307 is home to tax credits for small businesses to help them afford insurance for their employees.

* And folks looking to scare our senior citizens about what reform means for them might be interested to check out page 923 and learn that it provides a 50% discount on drugs for seniors in the so-called donut hole.
The Affordable Health care Act of 2009 is based on common sense ideas that will benefit the majority of Americans.

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