
Monday, November 16, 2009

United Steel Workers Urge Phase Out Of Dangerous Gasoline Refinery Chemical

by Doug Cunningham on November 12, 2009 - 4:43pm

hydrofluoric acid spill

Dr. Fred Millar: “The thirty or forty HF communities around the United States have been kept deliberately in the dark about how dangerous it is."

Dr. Fred Millar, a consultant on chemical accident prevention, has spoke out against the dangerous use of hydrogen fluoride, or HF, in gasoline refining. The United Steel Workers’ Diane Heminway says the union wants the 50 U.S. refineries still using HF to phase it out.

Diane Heminway: “It's an extremely hazardous chemical. It's dangerous not only to workers -and we've lost many workers due to exposure to hydrofluoric acid through the years - but it also is a big risk to communities."

Dr. Millar says if industry won’t do it, government should step in.

Dr. Millar: “We have a new government that says we're the new sheriff on the block and we're going to give you a protective government. This is a very important and very appropriate time to be demanding that a protective government includes getting rid of unnecessary catastrophic risk like HF alkylation in refinery communities."

The USW’s Heminway says solid acid catalysts are a much safer alternative to HF in gasoline refining.

Heminway: “You can hold them in your hand. Where sulfuric acid will burn the hand and hydrofluoric acid can burn not only the hand but burn right to the bone."

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