
Friday, November 20, 2009

The Political Correctness of Conservatives

It is funny because the GOP has accused the Democrats of being politically correct for years. Since Obama has been in office, we have heard the following outbursts.

1. According to Glen Beck Obama doesn't like white people although most of his immediate relatives are white. Is this what the conservatives prefer: being politically incorrect?

2. Marriage should only be between a man and a woman. A marriage between two same sex partners will subvert the sanctity of marriage according to the right. That is about as politically correct as you can get. Let's not forget the justice of the peace in Louisiana who refused to marry an interracial couple. Talk about political correctness. His refusal violated the law.

3. When Obama visited Dover AFB, Liz Cheney criticized him for visiting the base with cameras. Obama was the first president to visit arriving dead at Dover during the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq -- meaning that when it came to taking trips to Dover like Obama did yesterday morning, Bush never "did it" at all.

4.  The right also accused Obama of bowing to the emperor of Japan who only has ceremonial responsibilities. In Japan, every one bows. It is equivalent to handshakes in the US.

5. The Republicans had a cow when Attorney General Eric Holder said he would try to Khalid Sheik Mohammed and four others in in New York. I guess trying criminals in the US was just too controversial for their small minds to handle. Even Mike Huckabee started whining about it.

6. Republicans also had a fit when Dick Durbin wanted to move Guantanamo detainees to a maximum security prison in Illinos. The move would create 3000 jobs. That suggestion was just too far out of the box for the GOP diaper babies.  Of course, Obama had even stated that no prisoner had ever escaped from a maximum security prison.

7. What about flag burning, saying the Pledge of Allegiance and 'In God We Trust' on currency.  These are important symbolic issues to the GOP, but really a waste of a Representatives or Senators time. Flag Burning is protected under the First Amendment and it rarely happens in the US. The pledge is optional according to two Supreme Court Rulings. Most Democrats wish to avoid even commenting about religious slogans on currency because it is irrelevant.

The word conservative and conventional have a lot in common. Conservatives are conventional people who live in the box and are less open to new ideas than progressives. The truth is conservatives by definition will be a lot more politically correct than progressives will ever be.

Perhaps the right thinks because educated people have more grace and sophistication than Tea Baggers that his indicates they are political correct. All they are really just being polite. 

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