
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Maureen Dowd: Bill Clinton Lobbied Gov. Paterson To Keep Caroline Kennedy Out Of Senate

11-25-09 12:19 AM | Updated: 11-25-09 07:32 AM

Maureen Dowd's New York Times column this week dropped an interesting tidbit concerning Caroline Kennedy's senate bid along the way. According to Dowd, a "vengeful" Bill Clinton was aggressively lobbying Paterson to keep Kennedy out of the Senate.

Dowd argues that Obama "failed" to help Kennedy. She recalled Obama's failure to lift a finger to help Caroline Kennedy who had lifted him at a crucial moment. The loopy Gov. David Paterson was dragging her through mud and refusing to announce a decision on the appointment for the New York Senate seat.

Paterson was being lobbied by a vengeful Bill Clinton. Bill was still upset at Caroline for bestowing the Camelot mantle on Obama, which Clinton had tried to claim during his campaigns.

Rightardia believes there were other issues. The right wing was circulating a viscous rumor that Kennedy was involved in an extra-marital affair. 

We hope Bill Clinton is over such pettiness that repeatedly cropped up during Hillary's campaign. Bill Clinton seemed to think Hillary was entitled to be president but his conservatism during his second term did not endear the Clinton camp to Democratic progressives. 

Obama ran a disciplined and organized campagn while Bill Clinton ran more personalty based campaigns. The Clintons ignored the Democratic caucuses which were there campaign's undoing.


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