
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hillbilly Report:: Note to Conservatives: The POOR Pay More Taxes!!

by: RDemocrat
Wed Nov 18, 2009 at 18:57:09 PM EST

You know how when we start talking about raising taxes on the rich, who have gotten a free pass the last few decades how some Conservative politician or idiot radio-type is always bantering about how the richest 2% pay more than half in [income] taxes or some garbage like that. Well, as always with the greediest and least patriotic among us that talk is just that, garbage.

All over the nation and particularly here in Kentucky, the poor, working citizen pays a higher per-centage of their income in taxes than the wealthy elites:

The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy in Washington, D.C., studied tax codes in every state and concluded that the vast majority depend too much on sales and property taxes, which then puts a greater burden on lower-income population. [This is because sales and municipal taxes are regressive. The taxes the conservatives complain about are the progressive ones: the Estate tax and Income Tax. Bush suspended the Estate Tax while he was president. Is anyone surprised?]

"State and local taxes are profoundly unfair around the nation, and Kentucky is no exception," said Matt Gardner, the author of the study and director of the institute, which bills itself as a non-partisan, non-profit research group.

The study found that, in 2007, people making less than $15,000 a year paid 9.4 percent of their income to sales, property and income taxes, while those making about $36,000 paid 11 percent.

In contrast, the wealthiest 1 percent of Kentuckians, those making more than $346,000 a year, paid 7.1 percent. After federal deductions, the percentage is 6.1.

And of course leave it to the rich and Republicans to fight against Progressive vision for everyone else, while they are benefitting the most from one of the only things in America that is still Progressive, the federal tax code:

Wealthier people do pay more in income taxes, about 5.2 percent of their income, compared to 1.3 percent for the poorest fifth of the population. But, Gardner says, the income tax is the only one designed to be progressive because it can tax people according to their income. But the income tax does not offset the effects of the other two, he said.

State Representative Wayne had a great idea for changing the antiquated tax code in Kentucky:

KFTC and a host of other public policy groups are pushing a tax reform bill from Rep. Jim Wayne, D-Louisville, that would give more tax credits to the poor and raise income taxes on the wealthy, while taxing more services, a growing sector of the economy.

"This study is a great opportunity to take a second look at the tax reform package we're pushing because it's a step in the right direction," in terms of fairness and adequacy, Wayne said.

Despite this, Gov. Beshear disagrees because he does not want to "raise taxes". He still dreams of expanded gambling in Kentucky which would not bother me, but for the immediate future it is a non-starter. Even expanded gambling will not solve the problem of fairness however which needs to be addressed. The working poor should not pay more of their income in taxes.

This is a problem which needs to be alleviated all over the country.

Rightardia comment: Conservatives like gambling because it is provides another opaque source of tax revenue. Conservative politicians in Florida have tried to change the Florida Constitution to legalize gambling but have failed for the most part. Gambling is often infiltrated by organized crime and it creates other social problems.


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