
Friday, November 13, 2009

The GOP is turning into a fascist party

It is clear the far right wing symbolised by Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and Fox News is fascist. The Conservative club for Growth has been trying to purge moderates from the Party. Hardliners Sarah Palin and Fred Thomson attacked Dede Scozzafava in the NY district 23 race and crossed party lines to endorse the Conservative Party candidate.

The GOP has opposed the UN and international treaties for years. Its prefers a war like the blitzkrieg the US launched against Iraq to diplomacy. it violated the Geneva conventions during the conduct of the Iraq War and showed a disdain for human rights by torturing insurgents.

The Republicans overspend on the military which has created a huge national debt and budget deficit. George W. Bush was the only president to cut taxes and start a war which doubled the national debt.

Republicans support traditional Christian values with a male dominated head of household. A conservative newspaper, the NY Post, was sued by a female editor. who alleged rampant sexism and racism. Rush Limbaugh refers to women who support feminist causes as Femi-Nazis. That's pretty funny coming from the arch-fascist of the GOP himself. 

Fox News and right wing talk radio are excellent examples of the GOP's attempt to control the media.

Conservatives believe the US is  Christian nation. Many right wingers viewed the Iraq war as us (the Christians) against them (the Muslims).

The hallmark of the GOP is the protection of corporate power. It is falling all over itself to protect the dysfunctional health care industry.  When a Republican is elected president, it ignores labor laws and less than 1 in 10 workers is now in a union. Right to Work Laws that the GOP supports has weakened unions.

Paul Krugman has written about the anti-intellectualism of the Republicans. Krugman has called GOP the 'party of the stupid.' Republicans even made a lot of political noise when the Economic Stimulus included a modest $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts.

The Supreme Court is reviewing the efforts of states such as Florida who is charging juvenile offenders as adults. The US has the highest percentage of population incarcerated of any other nation in the world. Yet the US has permissive gun laws.

The cronyism and the corruption of the GOP lead to the financial meltdown. This is why the Democrats swept the elections in 2008.

George W. Bush was elected in 2001 because Florida Republicans suppressed the black vote by illegally purging blacks with misdemeanors from the voter rolls. The Republicans have had an ongoing effort to suppress voting in the US for many years. Why do you think Republicans have such a great disdain for ACORN?

Americans need to call Republicans what they really are. They are fascists, pure and simple. There is no reason to sugar-coat what they are. Most of the moderates have left or are leaving the Republican party.

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