
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gallup: Mike Huckabbee is top GOP contender for 2012

Thank goodness the GOP stopped hallucinating that Sarah Palin will be their next presidential candidate.  In this survey, only 58 per cent of Republicans thought Palin was qualified to be the POTUS. Apparently more Republicans thinks Newt is more qualified to be president than Palin is, but they don't support his candidacy.

Rightardia views both Palin and Gingrich as damaged goods. Democrats would have a lot of fun with Pastor Huckabee's 'Fair Tax." Remember Chuck Norris' support of Huckabee? And who can forget Mitt Romney's Magick Morphin' Mormon Underwear?

What is the one theme that runs through most of these candidates? It is religion.

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