
Monday, November 23, 2009

Ed Schultz interviews another Birther nutjob

The more Rightardia sees of the these TeaBaggers and Birthers, the more we are convinced that  many Americans need psycho-therapy. Here is another clueless person. Why are they always white?

Take a look at the shocking billboard this man paid for. This is really inexcusable since Orly Taitz has now been kicked out of three courts and is facing disbarment in California.

The State of Hawaii has confirmed that Obama's short form and long form birth certificates are in order. There were also birth announcements in two Honolulu papers when Obama was born according to Snopes.

Obama doesn't have to explain anything to noisy right wingers like Phil Wolf. Get a life, wing nut! Call him up at 720 898-9019 and let him know what you think of his billboard.

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Preston said...

The man behind the sign is either an idiot, crazy or a racist (maybe all three). We won the election and now these sore losers will continue to spew their lies. They remind me of the Birthers losers, who even Bill O’Reilly have smacked down like true flies.

Unknown said...

You should see the Palin Man video. Most of these people seem to have IQs below 100 or are poorly educated.

Apparently some people have threatened to fire bomb this man's business. What did he expect? This man is an auto dealer. Wow!