
Friday, November 20, 2009

Chaz Bono has bigger cojones than chickenhawk Republicans

Rightardia had to laugh when we saw this graphic from The Republicans started big wars in the Middle East during the Bush era and captured some of the Islamic combatants. Did they follow the Geneva Conventions and bring them to the US for trial?

Of course, not. They hid the internees in secret CIA prisons in Eastern Europe, the Baltic States. Egypt and Guantanomo. They also beat up and tortured the detainees that compromised any evidence they could have obtained using legal means.

When Attorney General Eric Holder indicates he will try the worst offenders such Khalid Sheik Mohammed in NYC, the conservatives fall all over themselves. They are probably afraid that some US property might be damaged or destroyed by avenging terrorists in the US.

In World War 2, the Russians lost 28 million people and only eight million were combatants. In the UK there were 213,919 civilians who were missing or wounded and  92,673 civilians were killed during the Battle of Britain.

Do Republicans really believe we can
cavalierly invade  foreign countries without any push back? If the GOP doesn't want to see another 9/11, perhaps they they show more international restraint in the use of military force.

No one has ever escaped from a maximum security prison in the US. Why are the Republicans such wussies.

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