
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bither Queen Orly Taitz Told Us To Lie

The Huffington Post | Rachel Weiner First Posted: 11-12-09 12:39 PM | Updated: 11-12-09 01:29 PM
In his decision dismissing a lawsuit filed by Orly Taitz late last month, U.S. District Court Judge David O. Carterr mentioned that some witnesses complained that the birther chief urged them to lie on the stand. Now, more details are out, as one of the witnesses has made his affidavit public.

Lucas Smith, a fellow conspiracy theorist who Taitz identified in her lawsuit as the discoverer of Obama's fake Kenyan birth certificate, gave his statement to the Orange County Register.

Among the allegations Smith makes is that Taitz asked him to say that he was the one who obtained a document that was alleged to be a 1964 Kenyan birth certificate for Barack Hussein Obama II. He says he didn't.
That document had been called a forgery by experts, and Smith said his own research also concluded that the document was fake. He also alleges that Taitz asked him to give false testimony about speaking to specific people in Africa, and that she asked two other people to lie under oath.

California has initiated a procedure to strip Taitz of her legal credentials. Rightardia suspects her misconduct in front of Judge David O. Carter and the $20,000 court fine will result in disbarment.
The “Birther queen” has been slapped with a $20,000 fine for “wasting the judicial resources” of the Middle District of Georgia, where she’d filed one of her numerous lawsuits demanding that President Obama prove his citizenship before deploying soldiers to Iraq and Afghanistan. The judgment, called Taitz’s case and tactics “delusional."
See the rest of the story at
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