
Friday, November 6, 2009

Bad Republican idea: The Happy Act

by Howard Gleckman on Fri 07 Aug 2009 04:16 PM EDT
Rightardia has written about people who place their pets above humans. This appears to be common with childless conservative couples. We have seen bumper stickers in Florida that say "My Shelty is smarter than you honor student" and "Ask me about my Granddog."
A childless women by choice who works in a local medical office refers to herself as a 'doggy mother.' We find such developments sad and pathetic. We are not surprised a Republican introduced the Happy Act.
Representative Thaddeus McCotter, a fourth-term Republican from Livonia MI, has introduced the HAPPY Act—the Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years Act. It is HR 3501, and it was introduced on July 31.

click on form to enlarge
The HAPPY Act would allow taxpayers to deduct up to $3,500-a-year in pet care expenses, including vet care. Of interest the standard deduction for a human dependent is $850.

The federal deficit so far this year is $1.268 trillion.

You might also think that Mr. McCotter would have more important issues on his mind. For instance, the unemployment rate in his home state of Michigan is 15.2 percent.
According to Rep. McCotter’s official biography, “He has tirelessly fought to reduce taxes and the size and scope of government; and, most importantly, Congressman McCotter has dedicated every effort to listen to and serve his constituents.”

I’m sure.


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