
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Another Republican Diaper Baby surfaces: Huckabee Says Terrorist Trial Could Cost Obama the Presidency

Rightardia is sure that Mike Huckabee is hoping for the worst so Obama will lose the 2012 election.

Mike Huckabee joins the GOP diaper baby brigade

Former Arkansas governor and likely 2012 presidential contender Mike Huckabee already has strong words for his potential opponent.

Huckabee told an Orlando radio station he opposes holding the trial of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed in civilian court in New York City, and that if anything goes unexpectedly, Obama is likely to lose his office.

"God help us if they get off on a technicality because of the way the evidence was gathered," Huckabee said. "I would tell you not only is the Obama administration finished, I think the Democratic Party is finished."

Just what America needed, some righteous indignation.

source: Politics Daily

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