
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Andrea Mitchell: How accurate is 'Going Rogue?'

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After the GOP Presidential Convention, the GOP hid Palin after the convention that was on Sept. 3. Palin was not interviewed by Katie Couric until Sept. 24 so she had plenty of time to prepare.  Her suggestion that she was pressured into national news interviews is bogus.

Most news media described the Couric questions during the interview as softballs. Palin was not even able to answer a question about what news media that she reads.

Joe Biden also trounced her in the Vice Presidential debate.  It was a real drubbing.

Palin also mentions that Steve Schmidt questioned her view on evolution. Palin indicates that she does not believe humans evolved from fish that sprouted legs.

Actually, amphibians that could dwell on the land and breath air developed from the fish. Archosaurs that had features of both mammals and reptiles developed from the amphibians. Palin's understanding of evolution is cursory.

Palin also tried to sweep the $150,000 of clothing she purchased for her family and herself under the rug and suggested the GOP forced her to buy the clothing to change her image. The Wasilla HillBillies scandal that erupted afterwards certainly hurt the McCain campaign.

Rightardia doesn't believe we have seen the last of Sarah Palin. We think many of her problems during the McCain campaign were related to her inability to assume the best supporting actor role. Sarah Palin acted as she were running for the presidency and was unable to assume the second banana position. This suggests she is a diva who is unable to play well with others.

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