Normally Rightardia isn't this shrill. With all the Astrotufer, Birther and Tea Bagger claims about Democrats being Nazis and socialists, mutually exclusive political philosophies, perhaps it is time to scream!
Dick Cheney is clearly a fascist who had no regard for the rule of law. While in office, $billions were funneled to his old corporation, Haliburton. He is unapologetic about torture that he sanctioned during the Bush administration and believes the standard Nazi bromide that the means justify the ends. Cheney would undoubtedly have risen in the Gestapo ranks if he had been born in Germany in the early 1900s.

May I have your attention please?
May I have your attention please?
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
I repeat, will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
Cheney has stood up. He is a fascist.
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