Football is almost an exclusive American sport. There is a Canadian version and in the off season, there is also an American football league in Europe. American football, however, is dwarfed by European football or soccer in the international arena.
In the US soccer is becoming more and more popular. Soccer leagues start at age five or six in many cities and the requirements for a soccer team are minimal: jerseys, shin guards, a soccer field, goals and some soccer balls. Football is inappropriate sport for small children and it requires and an assortment of under armor because of the violent nature of the sport.
Soccer is a continuous action sport much like basketball. Time outs are kept to a minimum and the role of the coach is limited once the game starts. A coach cannot call a time out while an opposing player is kicking a field goal with the hope that the retry will fail. The last two minutes of a soccer game do not take 10 minutes or more as it does in American football.
Rightardia recently published an article that indicated that the most of the NFL's and AFL's political donations go the to the GOP. In addition, the latest gimmick of the GOP will be to run former NFL stars for public office in the next election cycle.
FIFA president Sepp Blatter recently talked to President Obama about improving soccer in the US. major League Soccer (MLS) needs to stop being an off season sport for American football and take US football head on in the fall and winter. MLS soccer is more cost effective for the average American family. The games don't take as long either because of the start and stop nature of football with its plays, time outs and numerous field changes.
You will never see this is a soccer game
NFL League Average
Avg. Ticket: $52.95 (+5.8%)
FCI: $301.75 (+3.9%)
When the NFL Fan Cost Index was first published in 1991, the avg. ticket cost was $25.21. The FCI was then $151.33. If you attend an New England Partiots game, the FCI is more than $400.
There have have been some excellent student athletes in the past. Bill Bradley, a former Rhodes scholar, is an fine example. I doubt if this is type of athlete that the Republicans are looking for. The reality is the GOP puts a higher premium on conformity than intellectual acuity for its politicians.
If you have to the athletic ability to make an NFL team, the rewards are excellent. The minimum salary structure for 2007 is as follows:
* Rookies and first-year players $285,000
* Second-year players $360,000
* Third-year $435,000
* Fourth-year $510,000
* Fifth- through seventh-year $595,000
* Eighth- through tenth-year $720,000
* Eleventh-year and longer $820,000
One of the last athletes that the GOP drafted, Jimm Bunning, a former Detroit Tigers pitcher, is so unpopular in Kentucky that he will not run for office.
Rightardia suggests that athletes who are running for political office should be closely scrutinized. Athletic ability on a sport's field has little to do with political qualifications.
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