
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

No prominent Republican mentions 'the Invisible Man' in public

Rightardia believes that many of the attacks on Obama are, in fact, racist, but many other Republicans look at the right wing attacks as payback for the lack of respect that Democrats had for George W. Bush.

In the Armed Services, it is pointed out that senior officers and civilians have a great deal of authority, but respect must be earned. There are many reasons to respect Obama; he is highly intelligent, he has a sense of humor, has humility and a sense of fair play. Many of these qualities were lacking in President Bush.

It is likely that if Al Gore had been elected president isn 2000 that the US would not be reeling from a financial crises.  The invasion of Iraq was also a major blunder that has already cost the US taxpayer more than US $800 billion.

The Onion sums up the Bush Presidency well:

Bush, who served as president of the United States from 2001 to 2009, had reportedly been on the verge of nodding off during Monday afternoon's porch-sitting, and appeared pleasantly taken aback by the unexpected remembrance of his years in the White House. 

"I was president," murmured Bush, his mind returning again and again to the thought of "eight years" as he emitted a series of short, guttural laughs that reportedly grew in volume the longer he lingered on his time in office. "That was what I did for a living. Me. George W. Bush. For almost a decade."

"I did that," Bush added. "As my job."
Continued Bush, "I'll be damned if I wasn't the presidnet.'

At times, the man who authorized two separate wars wondered if his presidency wasn't just a dream.


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