
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Matt Latimer Book: Bush Knocked Other politicians while president

President Bush mocked other prominent politicians behind their backs as president  according to a new book by former speech writer, Matt Latimer.

This is a dangerous world," he said for no apparent reason, "and this cat (Obama) isn't remotely qualified to handle it. This guy has no clue, I promise you.""I'm trying to remember if I've met her (Sarah Palin) before. I'm sure I must have." His eyes twinkled, then he asked, "What is she, the governor of Guam?" [...]

"This woman (Palin) is being put into a position she is not even remotely prepared for," he said. "She hasn't spent one day on the national level. Neither has her family. Let's wait and see how she looks five days out."

It was a rare dose of reality in a White House that liked to believe every decision it made was great, every Republican was a genius, and McCain was the hope of the world because, well, because he chose to be a member of our party.
One of the president's staff members anxiously pulled a few of us aside. "The president is misunderstanding this proposal," he warned. "He has the wrong idea in his head. ... It wasn't that the president didn't understand what his administration wanted to do. It was that the treasury secretary didn't seem to know, changed his mind, had misled the president, or some combination of the three.

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