Speaker Nancy Pelosi:
Today’s jobs report is a clear indicator that while the number of American job losses continues to decline now to the lowest level in a year, we must continue to work to rebuild our economy.
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Economists agree that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that Congress passed in January played a key role in preventing a severe economic collapse and is helping us climb out of the worst recession since World War II.
We have a long way to go; but fortunately, President Obama and Congressional Democrats acted decisively earlier this year, and the results are beginning to show.
The Recovery Act has boosted American businesses and the paychecks of 95% of Americans with one of the broadest tax cuts in history.
Across the country, teachers, firefighters, police officers and nurses have been able to stay on the job; small businesses have been offered new opportunities for capital to keep their doors open and grow; and we are creating thousands of jobs rebuilding our roads and bridges, and developing green technologies to power our future.
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Too many Americans remain out of work, and too many families face the daily challenge of putting food on the table and paying their bills without a monthly paycheck. We must continue to work on their behalf to create good-paying jobs, lower health care costs, and reinforce the building blocks of progress for our economy.
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