
Saturday, September 26, 2009


Friday, September 25th (Minneapolis, MN)

Billionaires for Wealthcare, the satirical street theater group composed of “Health Insurance CEOs, HMO lobbyists, and others profiting off of our broken healthcare system,” made a special appearance at Michele Bachmann’s Town Hall Meeting this Friday, September 25 to “thank” her for protecting insurance industry profits.

Billionaires met with Bachmann at Northrup Auditorium, on the University of Minnesota campus, at 5:30pm, in advance of her Town Hall Meeting.

Dressed in tuxedos and mink stoles, the Billionaires for Wealthcare commended Bachmann for her ferocious opposition to President Obama’s ‘public option.’
“Medicare is 10 times more efficient than private insurance,” said Frida Market.

“They don’t have to do any marketing, only 3% of their costs are paperwork, and they don’t pay out huge CEO salaries. The public option will just be more of the same. Where is the profit in that?”

Other Billionaires addressed the issue of rising health care costs. “Michelle Bachmann is a loyal friend,” said Z. Roe Compassion. “But for every congressperson like her, I’ve got six lobbyists on my payroll. And they don’t come cheap!

Especially when all SEVEN of them have their hands out! We’re spending $1.4 million a DAY rigging the game and now you want to change the rules?”

PHOTO OPs will abound as Billionaires in tuxedos and evening gowns entertain the crowds, sing patriotic songs (”Battle Hymn of the Insurance Companies”), and pop champagne while holding placards that read “Let Them Eat Advil”, “Our Death Panels Turn a Profit” and “Fight Socialism: Abolish Medicare Now!

For more information, please visit

PRIMARY CONTACT: Peter Cooper 512-924-7561
ON THE GROUND CONTACT: Glynda Ballinger 612-220-3564

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