
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Dick Armey resigns because of Astroturfer Freedom Works scrutiny

August 14, 2009

Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) is resigning from DLA Piper law firm, Politico reports, because of criticism of his organization, FreedomWorks, and its role in town hall disruptions.

In an interview with POLITCO Armey said that he was concerned about the media scrutiny the health care protests were drawing to the firm he has been associated with since retiring from Congress.

"The firm is busy with its business, and shouldn't be asked to take time out from their work, to defend themselves of spurious allegations," Armey said.

In April, ThinkProgress reported on how Armey used the "grassroots" FreedomWorks movement to support his corporate lobbying clients.

-- Rachel Weiner


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