
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bernie Madoff not exactly thriving in prison

July 30, 2009
(Butner, NC)  Convicted Wall Street swindler Bernard Madoff is having a tough time adjusting to prison life in North Carolina according to two attorneys. 

Joseph Cotchett and Nancy Fineman visited Madoff in a Butner, N.C. prison earlier this week.  Both indicated Madoff was "distraught" in his new environment.

Cotchett said Madoff appeared "gaunt" in his new home.

Madoff is serving a 150-year sentence in medium security federal prison - the maximum penalty for the multi-billion fraud he pleaded guilty to in March.

"I think it hasn't quite hit him completely. He's having a hard time coming to grips," Fineman said, adding that Madoff's blood pressure was high and his ankles appeared to be swollen.

Madoff told the attorneys that the other inmates were treating him like a celebrity.

"According to Bernie they're constantly asking him for autographs,"  Fineman said.

Cotchett used the "Early Show" interview to take another shot at Securities and Exchange Commission for failing to detect the massive fraud.

"They should have had this guy behind bars 10 to 15 years ago, and they blew it each and every time they interviewed him," added Cochett.


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