
Sunday, July 5, 2009

US Independence Day marred by right Wing Tea Party pseudo-protests

05 July, 2009, 09:13

Editor's Note: It's really sad to see the US Independence day marred with silly Tea Bag pseudo-protests. It's clear these protests are organized by right wingers, most of whom are receiving tax cuts under Obama's tax policies. These new polices are designed to benefit the middle class, not the affluent who benefited under George W. Bush. Bush considered the 'have mores' his base. Two thousand people attended the pseudo-protest in Washington DC. This wasn't much of a protest.

America's Independence Day celebrations are over in the United States, with millions of people having taken part in the festivities. But there are some who think it's a time to protest rather than celebrate.

It’s Independence Day in the US but there are people who aren’t exactly celebrating America’s birthday.

Instead they are speaking out against those very policies that now shape this nation, at a ‘Tea Party’ protest in Washington.

A group called ‘Taxed Enough Already’ gathered thousands of members all across America to criticize the current level of government spending.

They say “no” to big government, “no” to massive spending, and “no” to increasing taxes – the things that they say are slowly but surely killing their United States.

“I’m here because basically I think that my country has gone completely crazy,” one of the protesters said.

“I think that we should find a government that will allow us to revert back to the way we were formed,”

Miller is the organizer of the protest and she says she’s sick and tired of the government, which she feels is trying to run her life.

“All the opportunities that would have allowed me to be independent disappear through high taxation, punitive regulation and government intrusion into my business. I think everybody is tired of the false choices that this two-party system provides,” Lisa Miller says.

And as frustrations mount, Tea Party protests all across the nation are sparking interest and gaining momentum.

And these Americans are not too fond of the man in the White House. “I don’t think the guy has got a clue. I think he’s an empty suit. I think he’s unqualified to be president of the United States,” says one of the protesters.

“Our government is corrupt. It’s no longer ‘We, the People’, it’s ‘We, the Government’,” another protester says.

And those loud cries are now setting off completely different kinds of fireworks.

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