
Saturday, July 4, 2009

The real reason Sarah Palin resigned

Apparently Sarah Palin was involved in some illegal poaching and killed Bullwinkle!  Mark Sanford thought he had it bad! Whoa!

Update:  Palin claims she was so distraught of Michael Jackson's death that when she saw 'that moose' wearing a white glove she just lost it and began blasting away.  After making 'heartfelt' apology, she says she will attend Bullwinkle's funeral and asked if they will be serving mooseburgers at the wake.


Note: My apologies! I will readily admit that I recycled this old joke from last year's presidential elections. But, since Republicans seem to favor recycling old stories (Rush's favorite pastime!), why not indulge in some old political humor?
Rec list for an old recycled snark? Thank you!


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