
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sarah Palin: narcissistic personality disorder

Editor's Note: These are the key points from an article that an award winning journalist, Geoffrey Dunn, wrote about Sarah Palin. Dunn is writing a book about the former governor. Rightardia has discussed the alleged narcissistic personality disorder that Sarah Palin has. Narcissists are hypercritical of others and looks for flaws in associates and relatives. However, when someone challenges a narcissist about their failings, the narcissist has great difficulty handling this information and usually become very belligerent. Narcissists believe they are always right.

The signs have been everywhere that Palin would resign. Palin has little interest in running the State of Alaska. She steadfastly refused to live in Juneau after her first year there, had the gall to charge the state for residing at her home in Wasilla 600 miles away. She has alienated virtually all the key Republican legislators in her own party.

Her bizarre appointment for Attorney General, Wayne Anthony Ross, was rejected nearly unanimously by the state legislature, a first in Alaskan history.

Those in-the-know said Palin had nothing to do with the recent pipeline deal between TransCanada and Exxon.

Moreover, Palin was facing what would have been a hugely embarrassing veto override by the Alaska legislature at the beginning of the next session in January due to her refusal to accept Federal stimulus funds.

A blogger had written in the Anchorage Daily News and how significantly it bothered her -- "kind of makes my stomach turn over," she wrote. Palin can dish, but she can't take it. She's got terribly thin skin. Thin skin is a hallmark of a narcissist.

She also resigned from her last statewide office -- that as chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Sarah Palin is a quitter. She fancies herself something else. But, in the end, she quit her position at AOGCC and she has now quit her governorship.

There are rumors in Alaska that more Ethics Act charges are in the works and that there is also a more serious Federal investigation focusing on Palin during her tenure as mayor in Wasilla and the building of her home and a sports complex in Wasilla.

Those close to the governor have consistently indicated that they privately blame Mitt Romney & Co. as the source of a lot of the media hits on Palin, not the Democrats.

Award-winning investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker Geoffrey Dunn is at work on a book about Sarah Palin and her role in American politics, to be published by Macmillan/St. Martin's in 2010.

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